
Payment Security

Is it safe shopping with us?

We use PhonePeCCAvenue & UPI ( QR Code ) as our payment gateway which is one of the safest and most popular ways to pay online. It complies with PCI Data Security Standards 1.1 which has been achieved only by a few companies globally.  You can be rest assured that we offer the highest standards of security currently available on the internet to ensure that you have a safe and secure shopping experience with us. You can also visit our Privacy Policy to know more about safety of your personal information. does not collect or store your credit /debit card information. Your credit card information is used only by PG ( Payment Gateway ) and then by Visa/Mastercard/Diners to verify your credentials and authorize your transaction.

Available Payment Options
Credit Card – Visa, Mastercard, Diners Card
Debit Card – All major debit cards
Netbanking – Except Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank.
Wallet & GPay, PhonePe, PayTM & All UPI.

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