SDM Kadirarista
SDM Kadirarista

SDM Kadirarista

SDM Ayurveda Pharmacy

₹ 370.00
(Sold Out!)
₹ 170.00


Estimated Delivery 08 May - 09 May

Khadirarishta, also known as Khadirarisht, is a polyherbal ayurvedic formulation. It is used in the treatment of various skin conditions[1]. It also helps provide relief from conditions like an infestation of intestinal worms, eczema, and psoriasis[2].
Khadirarishta is a rich source of powerful anti-oxidant that destroys free radicals and flushes out toxin waste from the body[1]. Khadirarishta also helps treat some allergic reactions of the skin caused due to exposure to dust and similar allergens.
Khadiraristha has Shothahara (anti-inflammatory) and Shodhan (detoxification) properties, which help purify the blood and reduce various skin problems. It may also help reduce scars, blemishes, and dark spots. According to Ayurveda, it also has Krimighna (anti-worm) property which works to destroy the ideal condition for the growth of worms. This helps to get rid of symptoms of worms infestation.
Khadirarishta is also found to be effective in vitiligo without showing any adverse effect on the body on any system or organ[3].
Khadirarishta is a relatively safe and effective medication. But very large doses may
cause some side effects in the long run. Therefore, it is advised to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before using Khadiraristha.
What is Khadirarishta made of?
Khadir, Devdaru, Bakuchi, Daruharidra, Harad, Baheda, Amla, Dhataki, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Pippali, Honey
What are the synonyms of Khadirarishta?
Khadirarishta Syrup
What is the source of Khadirarishta?
Plant Based
1.Acne or pimples
Acne is a common skin condition. It causes pimples that develop deep in the skin, causing red, swollen, and painful bumps. According to Ayurveda, a Kapha-Pittaj skin type is generally more vulnerable to acne. Aggravation of Kapha leads to increased production of sebum and clogged pores. This results in the formation of both white and blackheads. Similarly, aggravation of Pitta is marked by the appearance of some red papules (bumps) and inflammation with pus.
Khadirarishta is one of the most effective Ayurvedic preparations which help to manage acne or pimples due to its Pitta and Kapha balancing, and Shothahara (anti-inflammatory) properties. It also helps in blood purification by removing toxins due to its Shodhan (detoxification) property.
-Take 3-4 teaspoon Khadirarishta
-Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
-Have it once or twice a day preferably after meals
#To get rid of acne or pimples
2.Atopic dermatitis (Eczema)
Atopic dermatitis is often called Eczema. It is a chronic disease that causes the skin to become inflamed and irritated. According to Ayurveda, it generally occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. It could also be a result of certain types of impurities of blood which commonly leads to symptoms like itching or irritation. Khadirarishta might help in eczema due to its Pitta balancing and Shodhan (detoxification) properties. This helps reduce the symptoms of Eczema like itching and irritation and provides a cooling effect to the affected area.
-Take 3-4 teaspoon Khadirarishta
-Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
-Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
3.Intestinal worms
Intestinal worms are also known as parasitic worms. A person can get infected by eating undercooked meat from an infected animal. These worms live in the intestines (guts), causing dysentery and abdominal pain. Khadirarishita helps to control intestinal worms due to its Krimighna (anti-worm) property. According to Ayurveda, worms are called Krimi. The growth of worms is encouraged by low Agni (weak digestive fire). Taking Khadirarishita helps to improve the digestive fire and destroy the ideal condition for the growth of worms. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) nature. Khadirarista can also use in children above 12 years for intestinal worms
-Take 3-4 teaspoon Khadirarishta
-Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
-Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
# To control the growth of intestinal worms
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes raised, scaly patches on the skin. Khadirarishta provides relief from certain symptoms of Psoriasis such as itching or irritation because of its Shothahara (anti-inflammatory) property. It also helps in blood purification by removing toxins due to its Shodhan (detoxification) nature.
-Take 3-4 teaspoon Khadirarishta
-Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
-Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
#To get rid of the symptoms of psoriasis
5.Urticaria (Hives)
Urticaria is commonly known as Hives. It is basically a raised, itchy rash that appears on the skin. In Ayurveda, It is known as Sheetpitta. It is identified as a type of allergic reaction caused due to an imbalance of Vata and Kapha. It could also be caused due to impaired Pitta dosha. Vata-Kapha balancing and Shodhan (detoxification) properties of Khadirarishta provide relief in Urticaria.
-Take 3-4 teaspoon Khadirarishta
-Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
-Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
#To get quick relief in the symptoms of Urticaria

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