Himalaya Tulasi Syrup
Himalaya Tulasi Syrup

Himalaya Tulasi Syrup


₹ 150.00


Estimated Delivery 29 Apr - 30 Apr

Himalaya Tulasi Syrup Ensures Rapid Control of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.
Tulasi (Holy Basil/Ocimum sanctum) is a sacred plant in Hinduism. In Sanskrit, Tulasi means ‘the incomparable one’. In the Ayurvedic tradition, Tulasi is used to support normal respiratory function, promote optimal health and longevity.
Tulasi has antioxidant properties and supports the body's natural response to oxidative stress. According to the report, the herb also supports the body's normal lipid and protein oxidation levels and is an antioxidant
Scientists at the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, found that the constituents in Tulasi maintain normal levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Further, they reported that the constituents of the herb are supportive of normal blood sugar levels .Tulasi is grown all over India, in houses, gardens and temples.
Active Constituents: 
Ursolic acid, isolated from Tulasi leaves, protects the mast cell membrane by preventing granulation and reducing the release of histamine. The ethanolic extract and volatile oil from the fresh leaves and the fixed oil from the seeds possess anti-asthmatic properties.
The ethanol extract from the leaves shows a hepatoprotective effect against drug-induced liver damage. The plant extract exhibits anti-ulcerogenic actions.
Respiratory support: Tulasi is very effective in the management of various respiratory disorders including chronic and acute bronchitis. The immunomodulatory, antitussive and expectorant properties of Tulasi help in treating cough. With its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal activities, Tulasi helps in the management of respiratory infections. It relieves respiratory congestion due to the presence of components like camphene, eugenol and cineole in its essential oils. Tulasi’s anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties help in treating allergic respiratory disorders.
Antistress: Tulasi increases the capacity to cope, adapt to challenging environments and affords significant protection against stress. Experimental studies have shown that Tulasi extract reduces noise-induced stress.
Antioxidant: Tulasi is a powerful antioxidant which scavenges free radicals and can regenerate liver tissue.
Immunomodulatory effect: The extracts of Tulasi stimulate cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity.
Antimicrobial effect: Tulasi extracts are effective against both positive and gram negative bacterial strains.
Indications: Upper respiratory tract disorders

  1. Productive & dry cough
  2. Recurrent respiratory infections
  3. .As a supportive therapy for chronic lung diseases.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Asthma and bronchitis.  
Recommended Dose:
Children: 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) twice daily. 
Adults:10 ml (2 teaspoonfuls) twice daily.        
Available in delicious honey flavor.
* (Suitable for all age-groups)
Adults: One capsule, twice a day or as directed by your physician(Children may find it difficult to swallow capsules. Hence, Pure Herbs capsules are recommended for children ages 14 years and above.)
Each capsule contains 250mg extract of Tulasi

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