Arkashala Chyavanprash With Makardhwaj
Arkashala Chyavanprash With Makardhwaj

Arkashala Chyavanprash With Makardhwaj

Ayurvedeeya Arkashala Ltd

₹ 520.00


Estimated Delivery 22 Apr - 23 Apr

Chyavanprash With Makardhwaj
Ingredients: Chyvanprashavleha (which contains pulp of fresh amala fruit, herbal extracts, ghee, sugar etc), makardhwaj, abhrak bhasma, trivang bhasma, vansalochan etc.
 Properties: Chyavanprahavleha was formulated by Chyavan rishi as conqueror of old age. It is semisolid preparation of amla, ghee, sugar and herbal extracts. It is to be licked and swallowed slowly. 
It contains fresh amla which is a wonderful gift of nature with abundant quantity of Vit.C. Amala pulp is processed with decoction of herbs, then fried in cow’s ghee and finally mixed with sugar. Arkashala introduced the concept of incorporating ‘Makardhwaj’ in chyavanprash to fortify its actions. Makardhwaj is sex stimulant (vajikar) and promotes growth and normal functioning of sex organs in both sexes. It is prepared from mercury and sulphur in presence of gold. Abhrak bhasma is stimulating to nervous system, increases immunity and restores vigour. Trivang bhasma is beneficial to genitourinary system. It is also effective in treatment of tuberculosis, heart disease and repeated respiratory infections.
 Indications: Physical and mental stress in youth & professionals, under development of sex organs, sex hormone deficiency.
 Important Note: The diet must be rich in fat, proteins, milk and ghee while taking chyvanprash with makardhwaj.
 Dosage and administration: 2 tablespoonfuls in morning and evening, followed by a cup of milk.
 Presentation: Plastic jar of 250 g, 500 g
 Note: “Chyavanprash Ashtavarga” is also available which does not contain Makardhwaj and other bhasmas. It is suitable for children and elderly patients.

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Estimated Delivery 22 Apr - 23 Apr


Estimated Delivery 22 Apr - 23 Apr

1 Gram


Estimated Delivery 22 Apr - 23 Apr


Estimated Delivery 22 Apr - 23 Apr

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Estimated Delivery 22 Apr - 23 Apr

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